Lorann Oils Hard Candy Recipe in 2024

Lorann Oils Hard Candy Recipe in 2024: A Complete Guide

Making hard candy at home is a fun and rewarding activity that allows you to get creative with flavors and colors. One of the key ingredients in crafting delicious and vibrant hard candies is LorAnn Oils. These concentrated flavoring oils come in a variety of flavors, making it easy to customize your candy exactly how you want it. Whether you’re making candy for personal enjoyment, gifts, or even parties, using LorAnn Oils guarantees professional-quality results with vibrant, bold flavors. In this guide, we will walk you through a step-by-step recipe using LorAnn Oils for hard candy, including important tips, tricks, and a nutrient table for better understanding.

Lorann Oils Hard Candy Recipe in 2024

What is LorAnn Oils?

LorAnn Oils is a brand known for producing high-quality, concentrated flavoring oils used in baking, candy making, and other culinary applications. Their oils are up to four times stronger than typical alcohol-based extracts, which makes them ideal for use in recipes like hard candy where a small amount of flavoring goes a long way. LorAnn Oils come in a wide range of flavors, including fruity, spicy, minty, and more exotic options, allowing you to experiment with various combinations.

Why Use LorAnn Oils for Hard Candy?

  • Concentrated Flavor: A little goes a long way, ensuring you get a strong, clear flavor in your candy.
  • Heat Resistant: LorAnn Oils are designed to withstand high temperatures, making them perfect for candy-making, where sugar mixtures can reach up to 300°F.
  • Variety of Flavors: LorAnn Oils offer numerous flavors, giving you endless possibilities for your candy creations.

Ingredients for LorAnn Oils Hard Candy Recipe

Before starting the recipe, make sure you have all the necessary ingredients and tools.


  • 2 cups granulated sugar
  • 2/3 cup light corn syrup
  • ¾ cup water
  • Flavoring: 1 dram (about 1 teaspoon) of LorAnn Oils flavor of your choice (e.g., peppermint, raspberry, lemon, etc.)
  • Food coloring (optional, for bright and colorful candy)
  • Powdered sugar (for dusting, optional)
easy Lorann Oils Hard Candy Recipe in 2024

Tools Required:

  • Heavy saucepan
  • Candy thermometer
  • Heatproof spatula or wooden spoon
  • Candy molds (optional)
  • Baking sheet
  • Parchment paper or silicone mat
  • Metal spoon for testing the candy

Step-by-Step LorAnn Oils Hard Candy Recipe

Follow these steps carefully to create perfect hard candy using LorAnn Oils:

Step 1: Prepare Your Work Area

Before you begin cooking, prepare your work area. Place a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or a silicone mat on a flat surface. If you’re using candy molds, have them ready as well. Also, lightly dust any molds or work surfaces with powdered sugar to prevent the candy from sticking.

Step 2: Combine Ingredients

In a heavy saucepan, combine the granulated sugar, corn syrup, and water. Stir the mixture over medium heat until the sugar has dissolved completely. You will know it’s ready when the mixture turns clear, and you no longer feel the sugar crystals while stirring.

Step 3: Bring to a Boil

Increase the heat to high and stop stirring. Insert the candy thermometer into the mixture without letting it touch the bottom of the pan. Allow the mixture to boil, monitoring the temperature. You want it to reach 300°F, which is the hard crack stage. This will ensure that your candy hardens properly when it cools.

Step 4: Add LorAnn Oils and Food Coloring

Once the mixture reaches 300°F, immediately remove the pan from heat. Be careful—hot sugar can cause serious burns. Quickly stir in 1 dram of LorAnn Oils flavoring and a few drops of food coloring, if desired. Stir just enough to incorporate the oil and coloring evenly.

Step 5: Pour the Candy

Carefully pour the hot candy mixture onto your prepared baking sheet or into candy molds. If pouring onto a baking sheet, use a metal spoon to spread the mixture to your desired thickness. Work quickly, as the candy will harden fast.

Step 6: Let the Candy Set

Allow the candy to cool and harden completely. This should take about 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the temperature and humidity of your kitchen.

Step 7: Break into Pieces

Once the candy has cooled and hardened, you can break it into pieces by tapping it lightly with the back of a spoon or a mallet. If you used candy molds, simply pop the candies out of the molds.

Step 8: Dust with Powdered Sugar (Optional)

For a professional look and to prevent the candy from sticking, dust the pieces lightly with powdered sugar.

Step 9: Store Properly

Store your hard candy in an airtight container to keep it fresh and free from moisture. Hard candy can last for several weeks when stored in a cool, dry place.

fast Lorann Oils Hard Candy Recipe in 2024

Tips and Tricks for Perfect Hard Candy

1. Use a Candy Thermometer

Using a candy thermometer is crucial for achieving the perfect hard crack stage. This ensures your candy will harden properly and not be too soft or sticky.

2. Work Quickly

Once you add the LorAnn Oils and food coloring, the candy mixture will begin to cool and harden rapidly. Have everything ready to go so you can pour the candy immediately.

3. Avoid Stirring After Boiling

Stirring the mixture after it starts to boil can cause sugar crystals to form, resulting in a grainy texture. Let the candy cook undisturbed until it reaches 300°F.

4. Humidity Affects Candy

Making hard candy on a humid day can cause the candy to become sticky or not harden correctly. Try to make candy in a low-humidity environment.

5. Experiment with Flavors

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different LorAnn Oils flavors. You can even mix and match flavors to create unique combinations like lemon-lime or strawberry-kiwi.

Nutrient Information for LorAnn Oils Hard Candy

Here’s a breakdown of the approximate nutritional content for hard candy made with the ingredients listed above. Note that these values may vary depending on the size of the candy pieces and any additional ingredients used.

NutrientAmount (per 1 oz serving)
Calories80 kcal
Total Fat0g
Total Carbohydrates20g
Dietary Fiber0g

Additional Notes:

  • Calories: The candy is primarily made of sugar, so the calorie content is mainly from carbohydrates.
  • Sugar: One serving contains 20g of sugar, which is typical for hard candies.
  • No Fat: There is no fat or protein in this recipe, as it’s made solely from sugar and flavoring.


Lorann Oils Hard Candy Recipe in 2024

What Makes Hard Candy Harden?

Hard candy hardens due to the sugar syrup reaching the hard crack stage, which is around 300°F (150°C). At this temperature, the water in the syrup evaporates, leaving behind a concentrated sugar mixture that solidifies as it cools, resulting in a hard, brittle texture.

Why Is My Hard Candy Not Hardening?

If your hard candy isn’t hardening, it likely didn’t reach the correct temperature (300°F). Humidity can also prevent candy from hardening, as moisture in the air can interfere with the sugar crystallization process. Ensure proper cooking temperature and low humidity for best results.


LorAnn Oils hard candy is an easy-to-make treat that packs a flavorful punch, thanks to the concentrated oils. This recipe is not only straightforward but also versatile, allowing you to get creative with different flavors and colors. Just remember to use the right tools, follow the steps carefully, and store the candy properly to enjoy delicious, homemade hard candy for weeks. With LorAnn Oils, you can transform simple ingredients into professional-quality sweets that are sure to impress your family and friends. Happy candy-making!

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